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Seasonal Flu + Infection Prevention Clinic | $245

Our Seasonal Flu and (“all cause”) Infection Prevention Clinic program is a crash-course in lifestyle behaviours, nutritional supplements and botanical (herbal) medicines that can be used to boost immune function, and help you enjoy a happy, healthy, productive winter.

A strong immune system provides effective, reliable protection against not only the flu, but also colds, sinus infections, pneumonia and other “winter infections”.

A well-functioning immune system provides:

  • Improved resistance to those choosing to not use the flu vaccine, or for those vaccinated in years that the flu vaccine is prepared using the incorrect flu strain
  • Increased vaccine effectiveness (flu vaccines are less effective in persons with weak immune systems)
  • “Added insurance” in years when the flu vaccine is “well-matched” (even in well-matched seasons, flu vaccines are only 60% effective in reducing illness in the general population)
  • Increased potential for prevention of all infections, not only flu

Our Seasonal Flu + Infection Clinic program includes:

Seasonal Flu + Infection Clinic programs at Toronto Centre for Naturopathic Medicine are covered by most extended healthcare plans.

Or contact us to arrange a program.


WebMD [Internet]. How effective is the flu vaccine? 2014 Sep 1 [cited 2014 Dec 17]. Available from:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [Internet]. Vaccine effectiveness – how well does the flu vaccine work? 2014 May 1 [cited 2014 Dec 17]. Available from:

Serenity Now Stress Management | $245

Our Serenity Now Stress Management program provides instruction on how to effectively use meditation to combat stress, and which of the many “stress-fighting” botanical (herbal) medicines on the market are most effective for you.

Stress-related concerns are responsible for 75% to 90% of appointments with primary care physicians, and more importantly decrease quality of life by affecting mood, disrupting sleep, depressing immune function and having a negative effect on a host of other qualities that make life worth living.

We have known for decades that meditation is effective for combating the effects of stress (and more recently that it’s benefits are far more wide-ranging), and recent research has confirmed that many of botanical (herbal) medicines that have been used for centuries as “tonics” do indeed effectively support the body in coping with stress.

Our Serenity Now Stress Management program includes:

  • 60-minute appointment for meditation training and creation of a individualized guided meditation
  • Recommendation of a nutritional supplement most suited to your experience of stress

Serenity Now Stress Management programs at Toronto Centre for Naturopathic Medicine are covered by most extended healthcare plans.

Or contact us to arrange a program.


American Institute of Stress [Internet]. [cited 2014 Dec 17]. Available from:

Turning Breech Babies | $245

Moxibustion is painless, non-invasive technique for turning breech babies, preventing the need for cesarean surgery (c-section).

It is cost-effective, simple and can be self-administered to maximize probability of having a vaginal birth and avoiding the risk, discomfort and inconvenience of surgery.

Learn more about how moxibustion can help “turn” your baby.

Our Turning Breech Babies program includes:

  • 60-minute appointment for a moxibustion treatment and training in the most effective use of moxibustion

Turning Breech Babies programs at Toronto Centre for Naturopathic Medicine are covered by most extended healthcare plans.

Or contact us to arrange a program.

Non-Celebrity Detox | $375

Detoxification programs are common amongst celebrities and the public alike, but most of the benefits attributed to detoxification programs are inaccurate, and most retail detoxification programs are lacking in ingredients to be optimally effective, or are at worst, potentially dangerous.

Our Non-Celebrity Detox program is designed to help you understand the potential benefits of a detoxification program, and successfully complete a safe, effective and nutritionally balanced three-week, research-based cleansing program.

Learn more about if a metabolic detoxification program is right for you.

Our Non-Celebrity Detox program (an over $440 value) includes:

  • 60-minute appointment for explanation of meal planning and medical food protocol
  • Two containers of UltraClear RENEW™ medical food

Non-Celebrity Detox programs at Toronto Centre for Naturopathic Medicine are covered by most extended healthcare plans.

Or contact us to arrange a program.

Three-Month Lifestyle Make-Over | $720

Our Three-Month Lifestyle Make-Over program focuses not only on the four most important lifestyle factors identified in health research: diet, activity levels, stress management and adequate rest; but also the most common obstacles to successful lifestyle change, planning and motivation.

Chronic illnesses are responsible for 70% of deaths in the United States. Most of these, including the four of the leading causes of death (heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes) can be reduced (by 78% according to some research) through healthy lifestyle.

The greatest benefit of a healthy lifestyle, however, is in how you feel every day: having energy through-out the entire day, being productive, absence of aches and pains, fewer colds and other routine illnesses, and feeling relaxed and happy.

Our Three-Month Lifestyle Make-Over program (a $820 value) includes:

  • 4 x 60-minute appointments, scheduled approximately monthly

Three-Month Lifestyle Make-Over programs at Toronto Centre for Naturopathic Medicine are covered by most extended healthcare plans.

Or contact us to arrange a program.


Ford ES, Croft JB, Posner SF, Goodman RA, Giles WH. Co-Occurrence of leading lifestyle-related chronic conditions among adults in the United States, 2002-2009. Prev Chronic Dis. 2013 Apr 25;10. DOI:

Ford ES, Bergmann MM, Kröger J, Schienkiewitz A, Weikert C, Boeing H. Healthy living is the best revenge. Archives of Internal Medicine. 2009;169(15):1355-62.

Naturopathic Birth Doula | $1800

Research has demonstrated that the support of a doula at birth has a wide range of benefits, including reductions in duration of labour, medication use, cesarean delivery (c-section) and complications at birth.

Naturopathic birth doulas combine the skills of traditional doulas with over 5700 hours of training in medical sciences and use of natural medicines.

Learn more about how a naturopathic birth doula can help you have your best birth experience.

Our Naturopathic Birth Doula programs include:

  • Two 60-minute pre-natal appointments
  • Resources for pregnancy, birth and post-partum care
  • Attendance at birth (on-call from 37 weeks to 41 weeks)
  • One 60-minute post-natal appointments

Naturopathic Birth Doula programs at Toronto Centre for Naturopathic Medicine are covered by most extended healthcare plans.

Contact us to arrange a Meet and Greet appointment.


Acne is well-treated using naturopathic medicine.

Acne is primarily a cosmetic condition, but may be painful, cause scarring and for some, become a source of frustration and social anxiety. Although most common in the teenage years, acne affects persons of all ages.

Acne occurs when your hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. This plug may develop into a “whitehead”, “blackhead”, “pimple” or cyst, depending on whether the plugged hair follicle bulges, is open to the surface, becomes inflamed or is found deep in the hair follicle. The cause of increased sebum production is unknown, but hormones, bacteria, certain medications and heredity all seem to play a role.

Seek professional healthcare if your acne is painful, or you are concerned that your acne may result in scarring.

Symptoms of Acne

Possible symptoms of acne include:

  • Whiteheads (raised, skin-coloured bumps)
  • Blackheads (dark, flat “plugs”)
  • Papules (raised, red, possibly painful bumps)
  • Pustules (raised, red, possibly painful, white pus containing bumps)
  • Nodules (painful lumps beneath the surface of the skin)
  • Cysts (painful, pus-containing lumps beneath the surface of the skin that may cause scarring)

Treatment of Acne at Toronto Centre for Naturopathic Medicine

At Toronto Centre for Naturopathic Medicine, the goals of acne treatment are to reduce acne symptoms, heal acne scars and correct any underlying hormonal imbalances or bacteria that may be contributing to acne recurrence.

Conventional treatment for acne may include laser therapy or chemical peel, and a variety of medications including topical vitamin A derivatives, antibiotics or oral contraceptives. These treatments may have short- or long-term side effects.

For this reason, you may choose to try natural treatment to possibly avoid use of conventional medications, or together with conventional medications in order to decrease dosages of conventional medications required to manage your acne symptoms.

Naturopathic treatment of any chronic health concern must be recognized as a process that involves:

  • Identifying specific treatment goals
  • Development by your naturopathic doctor, of a thorough understanding of all factors affecting your health, including physical, psychological, emotional and lifestyle factors
  • Development of a comprehensive treatment plan
  • Implementation and maintenance of that plan through periodic monitoring and adjustment

At Toronto Centre for Naturopathic Medicine, a typical approach to treating acne may be to:

Where appropriate, a number of therapeutic options are available, to be used alone, or more often in a complementary fashion, including:

Treatments provided by naturopathic doctors are covered by most extended healthcare plans.


Acne. [Internet]. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; [cited 18 Feb 2009]. Available at:


Registered Massage Therapy

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Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue is well-treated using naturopathic medicine.

Adrenal fatigue is a term applied to a collection of nonspecific symptoms, such as body aches, fatigue, nervousness, sleep disturbances and digestive problems, but is not a medical diagnosis.

Your adrenal glands produce a variety of hormones, particularly hormones your body uses to respond to stress. Adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s disease) refers to inadequate production of one or more of these hormones as a result of an underlying disease. Adrenal fatigue is a mild form of adrenal insufficiency caused by chronic stress in which your adrenal glands are unable to keep pace with the demands of your stress load.

Untreated, adrenal fatigue may manifest as feelings of depression.

Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

Possible symptoms of adrenal fatigue include:

  • Fatigue
  • Body aches
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Low blood pressure
  • Lightheadedness

Treatment of Adrenal Fatigue at Toronto Centre for Naturopathic Medicine

At Toronto Centre for Naturopathic Medicine, the goals of adrenal fatigue treatment are to reduce your reactivity to stress, improve the capacity of your adrenal gland to respond to stress and prevent recurrence of symptom episodes.

There is no conventional medical treatment for adrenal fatigue.

Naturopathic treatment of any chronic health concern must be recognized as a process that involves:

  • Identifying specific treatment goals
  • Development by your naturopathic doctor, of a thorough understanding of all factors affecting your health, including physical, psychological, emotional and lifestyle factors
  • Development of a comprehensive treatment plan
  • Implementation and maintenance of that plan through periodic monitoring and adjustment

At Toronto Centre for Naturopathic Medicine, a typical approach to treating adrenal fatigue may be to:

  • Identify and address underlying factors in your lifestyle (e.g., stress, sedentary lifestyle, poor sleep, generally unhealthy lifestyle) or general health (e.g., anxiety) that may be contributing to development of adrenal fatigue
  • Confirm low adrenal gland function using laboratory testing
  • Support adrenal gland function using botanical (herbal) medicines
  • Address symptoms of adrenal fatigue (e.g., depression)
  • “Calm” the nervous system and prevent recurrence using botanical (herbal) medicines and relaxation (meditation) training

Where appropriate, a number of therapeutic options are available, to be used alone, or more often in a complementary fashion, including:

Treatments provided by naturopathic doctors are covered by most extended healthcare plans.


Nippoldt TB. Addison’s disease: is there such a thing as adrenal fatigue? [Internet]. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; [cited 2015 Mar 31]. Available from:


Allergies are well-managed using naturopathic medicine.

Your immune system produces substances called antibodies, which identify harmful substances in your body for “neutralization”. Allergy symptoms occur when antibodies are released in response to benign substances (e,g., pollen, pet dander). Histamine is the main chemical your body produces that causes allergy symptoms.

Common triggers of allergic reactions include airborne substances (e.g., pollens, animal dander, dust mites, mold), foods (e.g., peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soy, fish, shellfish, eggs, milk), insect stings (e.g., bee, wasp), medications (e.g., penicillin or penicillin-based antibiotics) and latex or other substances that may come in contact with your skin.

Having allergies is associated with increased risk of asthma; eczema; sinusitis; infections of the sinuses, ears or lungs; and complications such as anaphylaxis.

Seek professional healthcare if you experience symptoms you think may be caused by an allergy, especially if you notice an environmental factor that may be responsible.

Seek emergency medical care if you have a severe allergic reaction (i.e., anaphylaxis), even if symptoms improve after an epinephrine injection.

Symptoms of Allergies

Allergy symptoms can involve your airways, digestive system, sinuses or skin. Severity of symptoms varies from person to person. Possible symptoms of allergies include:


  • Airway swelling (obstructed breathing)
  • Severe shortness of breath
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Lightheadedness
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Rapid, weak pulse
  • Skin rash

Hay fever:

  • Congestion
  • Itchy, runny nose
  • Itchy, watery or swollen eyes


  • Itchy skin
  • Red skin
  • Flaking or peeling skin

Food allergy:

  • Tingling mouth
  • Swelling of the lips, tongue, face or throat
  • Hives
  • Anaphylaxis

Insect sting allergy:

  • A large area of swelling (edema) at the sting site
  • Itching or hives over your entire body
  • Cough, chest tightness, wheezing or shortness of breath
  • Anaphylaxis

Drug allergy:

  • Hives, rash or itchy skin
  • Facial swelling
  • Wheezing
  • Anaphylaxis

Treatment of Allergies at Toronto Centre for Naturopathic Medicine

At Toronto Centre for Naturopathic Medicine, the goals of allergy treatment are to identify allergy triggers, reduce intensity and frequency of allergic episodes and manage associated health conditions and side effects of conventional allergy medications.

Conventional treatment for allergies may include a lifestyle modification (allergen avoidance) and variety of medications to reduce your immune reaction and decrease symptoms. Medications prescribed include over-the-counter or prescription medications, including oral medications, nasal sprays and eye drops depending on the nature of your allergy. Common allergy medications include corticosteroids, antihistamines, decongestants, cromolyn sodium and leukotriene modifiers. Immunotherapy may be used for severe allergies or allergies that do not respond to other treatments. These treatments may have short- or long-term side effects.

For this reason, you may choose to try natural treatment to possibly avoid use of conventional medications, or together with conventional medications in order to decrease dosages of conventional medications required to manage your allergy.

Naturopathic treatment of any chronic health concern must be recognized as a process that involves:

  • Identifying specific treatment goals
  • Development by your naturopathic doctor, of a thorough understanding of all factors affecting your health, including physical, psychological, emotional and lifestyle factors
  • Development of a comprehensive treatment plan
  • Implementation and maintenance of that plan through periodic monitoring and adjustment

At Toronto Centre for Naturopathic Medicine, a typical approach to treating allergies may be to:

Where appropriate, a number of therapeutic options are available, to be used alone, or more often in a complementary fashion, including:

Treatments provided by naturopathic doctors are covered by most extended healthcare plans.


Allergies [Internet]. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; [cited 2010 Jan 9]. Available from:


Anxiety is well-treated naturopathic medicine.

To worry at times is normal, but if you are often worry without reason, or your worry disrupts your daily life you may have anxiety. Anxiety levels may decrease over time, but can also increase, sometimes leading to depression or substance abuse.

The cause of anxiety is not known, but it may be linked to certain medical conditions (e.g., heart disease, diabetes mellitus, thyroid illness, irritable bowel syndrome, premenstrual syndrome [PMS], asthma, alcohol or prescription medication withdrawal) or be a side effect of some medications.

Seek professional healthcare if you feel you are not able to control your worries, or if your anxiety interferes with your ability to carry out your daily activities or you suspect your anxiety is related to an underlying health condition (e.g., thyroid illness).

Symptoms of Anxiety

Possible symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Feeling nervous
  • Feeling powerless
  • Difficulty concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present worry
  • Having a sense of impending danger, panic or doom
  • Having an increased heart rate
  • Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation)
  • Sweating
  • Trembling
  • Feeling weak or tired

Treatment of Anxiety at Toronto Centre for Naturopathic Medicine

At Toronto Centre for Naturopathic Medicine, the goals of anxiety treatment are to reduce or completely eliminate anxiety symptoms, and determine and address triggers of anxiety in order to prevent recurrence of anxiety episodes.

Conventional treatment for generalized anxiety disorder may include psychotherapy, and a variety of medications, including anti-anxiety medications or antidepressants. These treatments may have short- or long-term side effects.

For this reason, you may choose to try natural treatment to possibly avoid use of conventional medications, or together with conventional medications in order to decrease dosages of conventional medications required to manage your anxiety symptoms.

Naturopathic treatment of any chronic health concern must be recognized as a process that involves:

  • Identifying specific treatment goals
  • Development by your naturopathic doctor, of a thorough understanding of all factors affecting your health, including physical, psychological, emotional and lifestyle factors
  • Development of a comprehensive treatment plan
  • Implementation and maintenance of that plan through periodic monitoring and adjustment

At Toronto Centre for Naturopathic Medicine, a typical approach to treating generalized anxiety disorder may be to:

Where appropriate, a number of therapeutic options are available, to be used alone, or more often in a complementary fashion, including:

As a first step in reducing the effects of stress on your quality of life, learn more about our Serenity Now Stress Management program.

Treatments provided by naturopathic doctors are covered by most extended healthcare plans.


Generalized anxiety disorder [Internet]. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; [cited 2009 Feb 18]. Available from:

Anxiety [Internet]. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; [cited 2015 Mar 22]. Available from: