Publications + Contributions

We are often asked to contribute articles related to living a healthy lifestyle, naturopathic medicine, parenting and fostering health habits in children, natural approaches to … and a range of other topics relating to health (e.g., meditation).

As often as possible, we happily contribute.

Naturopathic medicine is not simply the practice of substituting a natural medicine for a pharmaceutical one. Naturopathic medicine is the the process of creating a healthy lifestyle, the “natural consequence” of which is health, and educating and empowering patients (and people in general) to understand what are healthy choices and and act on them (this is one of the reasons we continue to describe ourselves as “naturopathic doctors”, as opposed to “naturopathic physicians” – the word “doctor” has the original meaning, “teacher”).

Viewed through this lens, a well-researched and thoughtfully written magazine article or blog post is a way of practicing naturopathic medicine.

Please enjoy this record of what the “hot”topics in health have been over the years: the topics we’ve been interested in, and that publications have wanted to explore.

Toronto Naturopathic Doctor

A frequent contributor to our friend Joy’s site, Du recently contributed an article on a vexing topic for many parents: getting young children to sleep. Read, learn and enjoy it here!

Toronto Naturopathic Doctor

This past March, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, Du posted on Instagram a “love letter to herself”. Our friend Joy loved it, and asked Du to contribute an article at her site on how a person can complete this very important writing… [LEARN MORE]

Toronto Naturopathic Doctor

Here’s an interview we did with Lisa Borden, a great communications expert, who also blogs – basically a breakdown of what we do, and how to use naturopathic medicine. We love Lisa because she is a “straight-shooter”, and true to her values.

Toronto Naturopathic Doctor

So many years ago, in 2005, Du wrote an in-depth examination of oral contraceptives (“birth control pills”) in the now out-of-publication “Naturopathic Medicine Today”. Most of the information is still relevant today – but also an interesting archive of conventional approaches to birth control… [LEARN MORE]

Toronto Naturopathic Doctor

Way back in 2015 Du contributed a post to our friends at Joyous Health on meditation (one of our favourite topics and a great idea for anyone!)

Toronto Naturopathic Doctor

Back in 2014 Du contributed a post on managing anxiety to our friends at Joyous Health. Still relevant!

Toronto Naturopathic Doctor

Here’s a great parenting article from 2016 Du wrote for our friends at Joyous Health on “free play”, including the vast and growing scientific support for what a generation ago would have been considered time-wasting. A great and important read for parents.

Toronto Naturopathic Doctor

Du and Joyous Health can’t get enough of talking about healthy snacks for kids! Here’s a post Du contributed in 2015: as relevant today as it was then!

Toronto Naturopathic Doctor

Here’s an article, written by Du for our friends at  Joyous Health on the importance of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on the developing human brain. Ever wondered if mercury in fish is a concern? Whether vegetarians can consume adequate DHA via flax seed oil? All will be… [LEARN MORE]

Toronto Naturopathic Doctor

Way back in 2015, Du contributed an article to our friends at Joyous Health on foods one can eat that help your skin resist/recover from sun exposure. Maybe not the thing for today (15 days from the shortest day of the year), but something… [LEARN MORE]

Toronto Naturopathic Doctor

Back, way before 2012 (when this article was updated), Du had a telephone interview with Chatelaine, comparing conventional and “alternative” approaches to managing head lice. Here’s what they came up with between them!

Toronto Naturopathic Doctor

Back in the mid-aughts, NOW Magazine used to contact us somewhat regularly to comment on a section they used to publish featuring a range of opinions by different healthcare professionals, on managing different, common health concerns, wittily named. As such, our names are associated… [LEARN MORE]