The value of light therapy for treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is well established1, 2, 3, but for those interested in pursuing this approach, the obstacles are the time to determine which product will be potentially most effective, and how to implement use to… [LEARN MORE]
Tag Archives: anxiety
How to Meditate plus Stress-Busting Benefits
Way back in 2015 Du contributed a post to our friends at Joyous Health on meditation (one of our favourite topics and a great idea for anyone!)
Tips from an ND on Managing Anxiety
Back in 2014 Du contributed a post on managing anxiety to our friends at Joyous Health. Still relevant!
Bowen Therapy: Help for Pain and Anxiety
A little known, but gentle and effective technique for reducing pain and inflammation, and reducing anxiety: Jonah Lusis, ND introduces you to Bowen Therapy! For more great videos on health and wellness, visit our YouTube Channel! Posted: 2017 May 24
St. John’s Wort: A Balm for Anxiety
St. John’s Wort is well known for its effectiveness against depression, but what many of our clients don’t realize is that this herb is also a powerful tool in fighting stress-related anxiety. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, St. John’s… [LEARN MORE]
The Four Foundations of Children’s Health: Pillar One – Whole Family Health
In October, I had the privilege of meeting with a group of parents to discuss strategies for optimizing their children’s health. The discussion centered around four “pillars” of health that form the strong foundation for future health. The first “pillar” of the foundation is… [LEARN MORE]