Longevity, Health Span and the First Things You Need to Understand About How to Live Forever Early in my career, I saw a patient whose main health concern was prostate health, but after we had adressed that he disclosed to me, his main goal… [LEARN MORE]
Instead of asking, “Have I worked hard enough to deserve to rest?, I’ve started asking, ‘Have I rested enough to do my most loving and meaningful work?’. -Nicola Jane Hobbs Today we are experiencing an opportunity. An emotional unraveling. A mental health breakdown. We… [LEARN MORE]
Micheal Jordan may have character flaws, but self-doubt isn’t one of them. One of our children has started to develop the habit of negative self-talk. We’re not exactly certain from where this habit has begun to form: maybe it’s a normal part of teen… [LEARN MORE]
Full disclosure: this isn’t the revelation of a scientific discovery. More me organizing my thoughts after having had a small epiphany of sorts. Over the years I’ve been asked the question: “How can I live to 100?” more than once (and once, “200”, by… [LEARN MORE]
The value of light therapy for treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is well established1, 2, 3, but for those interested in pursuing this approach, the obstacles are the time to determine which product will be potentially most effective, and how to implement use to… [LEARN MORE]
Is the SIBO breath test the right laboratory test for you? In our experience, many persons having digestive symptoms receive a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), but no particular guidance in identifying possible causes, or options for treatment other than symptom management (e.g.,… [LEARN MORE]
It’s holiday party season, and with that, for many, holiday “over-drinking season” (that’s a discrete was of writing hangover). There are a number of factors that appear to contribute to the symptoms experienced in a hangover: inflammation, oxidative stress and alcohol-induced nutrient deficiency specifically,… [LEARN MORE]
This post is the outcome of being asked repeatedly how Bowen Therapy works, either by patients skeptical of gentle pressure effectively reducing symptoms of chronic pain, or shocked by the fact that gentle pressure successfully relieved their chronic pain where more aggressive treatments did… [LEARN MORE]
I’m writing this post to share some research I stumbled across in the course of my day-to-day work, researching treatments for patients having range of health concerns, in this case migraine headaches. I won’t spend a lot of time here offering background into the… [LEARN MORE]
Recently, a patient asked me about a specific vitamin C product, basically whether it was worth paying a premium for. In order to offer them the most accurate answer I could, I decided to confirm a few facts before replying, and ended up going… [LEARN MORE]
Here’s something I wrote, for a class while I was a student at the Canadian College ion naturopathic Medicine (I don’t remember which class, but something women’s health- or oncology-related seems like a reasonable guess). Prayer came up recently, somehow, in an appointment of… [LEARN MORE]
I recently contributed an article for our friends at Joyous Health on intermittent fasting, what it’s all about, and how Jonah and I do it. Sometimes when we contribute articles, then are edited and we will post them here so you can read them… [LEARN MORE]