Marshmallow Root Tea Reviewed: 2024 March 19 The powdered root of the marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) plant may be consumed to sooth and protect irritated and damaged tissues the full length of the digestive tract. It may be used as a tincture or a tea, but… [LEARN MORE]
Although any form of chest feeding (feeding of a newborn whilst the parent holds them at their chest) fosters an emotional bonding between child and parent not offered by “traditional” methods of bottle feeding, consumption of breastmilk by newborns offers unparalleled benefits to child… [LEARN MORE]
Micheal Jordan may have character flaws, but self-doubt isn’t one of them. One of our children has started to develop the habit of negative self-talk. We’re not exactly certain from where this habit has begun to form: maybe it’s a normal part of teen… [LEARN MORE]
I’m writing this post to share some research I stumbled across in the course of my day-to-day work, researching treatments for patients having range of health concerns, in this case migraine headaches. I won’t spend a lot of time here offering background into the… [LEARN MORE]
Shingles and post-herpetic neuralgia are well-treated using naturopathic medicine. Shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can occur anywhere on your body, but most commonly appears as a band of painful blisters on your trunk. Post-herpetic neuralgia is pain that lingers after active shingles… [LEARN MORE]
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