Is the SIBO breath test the right laboratory test for you? In our experience, many persons having digestive symptoms receive a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), but no particular guidance in identifying possible causes, or options for treatment other than symptom management (e.g.,… [LEARN MORE]
Tag Archives: natural medicine
Hangover Prevention – Because We’re There for You
It’s holiday party season, and with that, for many, holiday “over-drinking season” (that’s a discrete was of writing hangover). There are a number of factors that appear to contribute to the symptoms experienced in a hangover: inflammation, oxidative stress and alcohol-induced nutrient deficiency specifically,… [LEARN MORE]
To Flu Vaccine, or Not Flu Vaccine – 2018 Edition
The flu vaccine is “released” annually in October, and with it, begins our season of answering the question: “Should I get the flu vaccine?”. As naturopathic doctors, prescribing the flu vaccine, or advising against it lies outside out scope of practice. We can however… [LEARN MORE]
Bowen Therapy – Addressing the Missing Piece in Pain Treatments
This post is the outcome of being asked repeatedly how Bowen Therapy works, either by patients skeptical of gentle pressure effectively reducing symptoms of chronic pain, or shocked by the fact that gentle pressure successfully relieved their chronic pain where more aggressive treatments did… [LEARN MORE]
Bowen Therapy – A Case Report of Successful Treatment of Migraine Headaches
I’m writing this post to share some research I stumbled across in the course of my day-to-day work, researching treatments for patients having range of health concerns, in this case migraine headaches. I won’t spend a lot of time here offering background into the… [LEARN MORE]
Vitamin C – More than you care to know about it!
Recently, a patient asked me about a specific vitamin C product, basically whether it was worth paying a premium for. In order to offer them the most accurate answer I could, I decided to confirm a few facts before replying, and ended up going… [LEARN MORE]
Helping Children Sleep Naturally
A frequent contributor to our friend Joy’s site, Du recently contributed an article on a vexing topic for many parents: getting young children to sleep. Read, learn and enjoy it here!
Why Everyone Should Write a Love Letter To Themselves
This past March, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, Du posted on Instagram a “love letter to herself”. Our friend Joy loved it, and asked Du to contribute an article at her site on how a person can complete this very important writing… [LEARN MORE]
Natural Labour Induction + Augmentation | $245
Using natural medicines and treatments to induce, or augment a slowly progressing labour, is an effective means to potentially avoid cesarean birth (c-section), and experience less pain than in a Pitocin® (synthetic oxytocin)-induced labour.
IWM: Du La + Jonah Lusis
Here’s an interview we did with Lisa Borden, a great communications expert, who also blogs – basically a breakdown of what we do, and how to use naturopathic medicine. We love Lisa because she is a “straight-shooter”, and true to her values.
Birth Control: Hormones Redefined
So many years ago, in 2005, Du wrote an in-depth examination of oral contraceptives (“birth control pills”) in the now out-of-publication “Naturopathic Medicine Today”. Most of the information is still relevant today – but also an interesting archive of conventional approaches to birth control… [LEARN MORE]
How to Meditate plus Stress-Busting Benefits
Way back in 2015 Du contributed a post to our friends at Joyous Health on meditation (one of our favourite topics and a great idea for anyone!)