Tag Archives: irritable bowel syndrome

SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth) Breath Test

Is the SIBO breath test the right laboratory test for you? In our experience, many persons having digestive symptoms receive a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), but no particular guidance in identifying possible causes, or options for treatment other than symptom management (e.g.,… [LEARN MORE]

Ginger Syrup, the Most Delicious Medicine

As promised in our Wellness Wednesday video, here is Du La, ND, Acupuncturists recipe for simple ginger syrup. Enjoy! Ginger is one of our favourite herbs, not only for cooking but also as a natural remedy for fevers, colds, chills and nausea. It stimulates… [LEARN MORE]

What is an Elimination Diet?

Continuing our conversation on improving digestive health, Jonah Lusis, ND discusses in this two-part question, an elimination diet and its benefits in treatment. What is an elimination diet? An elimination diet is a therapeutic diet used to identify foods a person doesn’t tolerate well.… [LEARN MORE]